The project section of your notebook is the place to share with Ravelry the things you make. Today I want to talk about how to use the information there to learn a bit about yourself as a fiber artist.
At the top of the page there are a number of ways to filter your projects, and on the left is a link to the advanced search. By clicking that you’re taken to a project search pre-loaded with all of the projects you’ve entered into Ravelry. This is where the fun begins! Here’s a listing of all the search filters available to you, so this is all of the data we can play with.
Here are just a few neat things I learned from my advanced search results:
- I really do love colorwork – about a third of my projects use more than one color.
- I have way more knitting mojo this year than last year – not even halfway through the year I have an identical number of FOs!
- I haven’t been knitting my handspun much lately. I can see this by looking at the finished in dates after I add the handspun feature.
I can look at how much I knit yarn from my favorite companies by entering just the company title into the yarn name field, or whether I use my knitting magazines for reading or for patterns by entering a publication name in the source field. I can quickly check which projects I shared with a group, or whether the needle sizes in a circular set match the needle sizes I like to use.
Here is a link to the advanced search of my projects with no filters applied. Enjoy playing around with my data or your own, to get an analytical view of our beloved FOs.