One thing I truly love about knitters and crocheters: if something exists, we've probably found a way to make a cozy for it. From pretty to practical to whimsical, here are some recently completed cozy projects:

katieherrod's Maxine Hot Water Bottle Cover Test Knit, KnottyinNature's Skeljakrukka / Jar covers, and missminda's Copper Mug Hug.

StarburstAcres's Piña Teapot Cozy, lindie's Mistake Rib Tea Cosy (DK), magentarot's Kannenmütze.

dcanna's Steering Wheel Cover, SuperEmily's Lego brick tissue box cover, and frannap's Akasha Keeps It Warm.
If you'd like to lovingly wrap more of your possessions in yarn, you can get plenty of cozy inspiration in our project search!