We have a few updates, announcements, and recently added features to highlight!
Two new features we have been Swatching have just been made available for all Ravelers:
Reduced Motion: In your Ravelry Settings, there is a new option for Reduced Motion, which will disable motion in Ravelry’s interface. Some examples of elements that will be affected are navigation underlines, “drop out” effects used when deleting items, enlarging effects used when expanding collapsed boxes, and sliding navigation menus on mobile.
Typography: We have made some slight adjustments to the text line height based on our readability survey results as well as WCAG guidelines. In addition, Inter is now our default typeface; you can still change the typeface to your system font in your Settings. If your font is set to Helvetica, it has not changed.
Special thanks to everyone who tested the Typography and Reduced Motion Swatches!

A couple fun new things in the forums:
Our Disagree and Hide Ravatar options have now been updated to match Ravelry's current site design.
If you type one or more emoji in its own line on the forums, it will now be super-sized!

We added new searchable attributes to the database, which can be found within the pattern instructions folder in our Advanced Search:
- digital audio (for patterns available in digital audio format)
- digital braille (for patterns available in digital braille format)
- press braille (for patterns with hard copies available in braille format)
- screen reader access (for patterns that have been reviewed and tested to work with a screen reader)
Designers and publishers, if you are interested in making your patterns available in these formats, please see the informative page on Print and Screen Reader Accessibility maintained by the Accessible Patterns (Designers and Makers) group.
Finally, the Classic Ravelry option will be retiring on March 31 (just over six months from now). Classic users will now see a notice with the retirement date on the front page and a notice also appears for all users by the option to switch to the Classic site in the profile menu drop-down.
As always, if you have any questions for us or feedback to share, please feel free to email us at contact-us@ravelry.com or by going to http://www.ravelry.com/contact.