Tip: Try a Ravelry Wish List!

Fun Feature Improvement Alert!

Casey has been rolling out some changes to our Wish List feature this week – some of you may already have noticed them!

The “Wish List” is now a special bundle in your favorites and you can wish for anything on Ravelry that you can favorite. By default, your Wish List is public and you can share the link with other people (even if they aren’t on Ravelry!). Like your other bundles, you can search it and reorder it. To add something to your Wish List, just click on the “add to favorites” button and you’ll see the Wish List option at the top of your list of bundles – select that and then hit the save button:

Now you’ll have a new Wish List Bundle in your Favorites. It’s a little different than other Bundles because we show the prices and when you’re looking at a friend’s Wish List, you’ll see the link to buy them the gift (if it’s a pattern sold on Ravelry) right in their wishlist:

When looking at your Wish List, you’ll find the options to share, organize, edit, or search it on the upper right.

If you previously used the “Wish List” tab in your queue, you will still be able to see which of your queued patterns are on your wishlist and make adjustments, but there is only one list. Your wished-for items will always reside in your favorites.

This is a new and improving feature and we’ll be making changes and updates – you can chat with us about your Wish List and see a few things we have planned in this For the Love of Ravelry thread. We hope this helps you organize those special goodies you have your eye on!