This space is usually reserved for Ravelry updates or tips and beautiful yarny eye candy, but today we want to recognize, and thank, all the essential workers around in our community. You are keeping the world going as much as possible right now, often at great risk to yourselves and your loved ones, and we just wanted to say thank you. At a time when everything feels tenuous at best and terrifying at worst, we know that any sense of normalcy that we have is thanks to your work, and the risks that you are taking to do your job. Whether you are working in the medical community, a grocery store, postal or delivery services, teaching (and adjusting to an online education platform!), providing cleaning services, or are performing any other essential job that we are all depending on: we appreciate you.
For everyone having a hard time right now: we see you and understand. This is hard, and scary. If you need a place to find a friend, get a virtual hug, or see and share pretty project or pet photos or other happy things, or express appreciation for essential workers yourself, please come join us in this thread in For the Love of Ravelry, where our community has been lifting each other up for a few weeks now. It's a happy place! On Instagram, if you wish to post a thank you to the essential workers in our community, Laura Nelkin recently began using the hashtags #frontline #frontlineknitters #frontlinecrocheters #frontlinecrafters #stayathome #westayhomesotheystaysafe - you can use these in your Instagram post to connect your thanks to others from the yarn community!
If you are feeling extremely anxious and would like to talk to someone, please take a look at this list of mental health hotlines around the world from
Sending you all love, with the sincere hope that you are safe, healthy, and have plenty of yarn.