A quick note: We know things are scary and uncertain right now. We're going to to continue posting our Eye Candy posts in hopes that they are a welcome distraction. I hope that you enjoy them and that they give you a moment of joy!

Temperature projects continually inspire me. In case you aren't familiar with them, temperature projects use yarn to represent the temperature for a period of time. The results can be stunning and become a momento of the period of time recorded in that project. There are so many of these on Ravelry, but I thought I'd share just a few with you.

Most of the time, when I think of temperature projects, I think of a temperature blanket. From left to right, here are some temperature blankets that caught my eye: case619's Senior Year Blanket, SpinningFates' Temperature Blanket and tracys65's 2019 Daily Temperature Blanket.

There are also many temperature scarves on Ravelry. I love that there are a lot of different ways to represent the temperature in a scarf. Here are some examples: wizards' Temperature Scarf, Sherbre's 2019 Temperature Tracker and devonnejoy's Zick Zack 2019 Temperature Scarf.

I discovered several projects that were wearable, but not scarves, as well. The combination of colors in each of these projects caught my eye: Kaisukas' Temperature poncho, Sassbot's Temperature Tree and AnikaGE's Temperature dress.
If you want to start a new temperature project, it's not too late! You can either use the temperature records from the beginning of the year and catch up, or you can start now and do it for a certain period of time. You can find more inspiration by searching "temperature" in the project search.