Many crafters in the Ravelry community want to find and purchase patterns by Ukrainian designers in order to support them directly. Our Advanced Search has a Designer country filter that will allow you to quickly and easily search our database for patterns by the designer's country of residence.
The fastest way to apply this filter is to type the country name into the search bar in our Advanced Search. Underneath the search bar, relevant filter suggestions will appear as you type, including Designer country. Tapping on the Designer country filter suggestion will narrow your search to patterns from designers in the country you searched (here, we are searching for Ukraine):
The suggested filters also appear when you type in the search bar on the main patterns page:
If you prefer to manually select the filters as you browse, you'll find the Designer country filter at the bottom of our Advanced Search filters in the more search options section.
With the country selected, you can apply any of our other filters and sorts to refine your search even further.

We hope that this filter is useful for you whenever you'd like to make pattern purchases that directly benefit designers in specific countries or regions. We waived invoices for the February sales of Ukraine-based designers because they shouldn't have to worry about paying a bill right now and we will continue to waive charges while this conflict persists.
Ukrainian Ravelers: we are sending you our love and solidarity. 💙💛🌻