It's not exactly wedding season, but it seems like weddings keep popping up in my life, so I went looking for some wedding related projects. The projects I found, like schmelinor's Wedding Top shown above, were amazing.

When I think of wedding projects, I think of shawls, so it was no surprise that I found a lot of stunning wedding shawls. From left to right, marikorose's woodland bride, hanapaimen's Midsummer Rose and mdmebutterfly's Nesia's Wedding Shawl.

I just couldn't stop with shawls there when I saw these lovely wraps: nynaeve2k's Lovebird, justwren's Titania's Wedding Shawl and antonia1968's Heirten.

Perhaps the most impressive wedding projects were the wedding dresses! I love how many different types of dresses I found. On the top row from left to right is Peppersocks' Wedding dress and Shuni79's Abbi's wedding dress. On the bottom row, you find Charcot's Wedding dress and Wollsause's crete wedding – Bridal top (not technically a dress, but the top makes a lovely dress with the skirt).

I feel like no wedding post is complete without talking about decorations and gifts! I love Tigster's Wedding Cake and the sweet Bride & Groom Cake Toppers by JeremyBerman. A blanket like Devontheknitter's Nick and Craig's Wedding Afghan is such a great gift!
Looking at all of the wedding photos and projects for this post brought me a lot of joy. I looked for these projects by using the keyword "wedding" in the project search. I encourage you to check out that search and click through to these projects to see many more great photos. Thank you to all of the project creators for sharing the joy with us!