I've always been a little fascinated with legwarmers. As a kid growing up in a warmer climate, they were really just an 80's fashion accessory, but as I've gotten older, I see how legwarmers and boot toppers can be cute & practical! I thought I'd share some examples today.

I love the practicality of boot toppers and the festive flair they can add to an outfit. From left to right: dafgrl's My First Boot Cuffs, wagrmom's vintage daisy and Sherfy's Boot Cuffs - Santa.

These legwarmers look so cozy! From left to right: SirenKnits' Rosina Ballerina, yarngeekcreations' Cozy Bliss Leg Warmers and aknittinganthro's Erika's Olallie Legwarmers.
Any of these projects would work up quickly, making them a great gift option or a quick project to keep your legs warm! We often make hats & gloves as accessories, but don't forget to check out the patterns tab for other accessories you might not think about like the ones shared here.