Traditionally, this week in October is our New York Sheep and Wool recap Eye Candy, in which we love to feature photos folks take of their Rhinebeck sweaters while at the festival, where the autumn leaves, fields, and big barns serve as beautiful FO backgrounds. While in-person wool festivals haven't been able to take place this year, Ravelers around the world are still taking beautiful pictures of their recently-finished sweaters in the great outdoors. Here are just a few of the over 11,600 sweaters that Ravelers have finished so far in October!

nursethatknits1's Spice, Memmuska's Sulaulu Sweater, and ehalf's Dissent Pullover all look like those perfectly-fitting, cozy sweaters you finish at the first sign of a cold snap and want to wear all winter! (We know we'll get lots of questions about this so want to share that nursethatknits1's yarn ball VOTE t-shirt is from Neighborhood Fiber Co.!)

lindsaymudd's Arctic Dalur is lovely, and it's also her second time knitting this sweater, which she first made in 1982! ZorahUnThreaded's Pink Wine Cardigan is so perfectly wearable, with interesting textural details. CJBach's Diamonds Not Pearls shows off her gradient yarn to stunning effect!

dec2484, wearing her Old Romance, looks so perfectly moody and dreamy in the forest, while DiandraSam in her Static Sweater is charming and chic among the flowers.

LadyBugHkr in her Sunbeam Sweater Test and argonjules' Tomnooki Sweater both showcase autumnal hues of orange, golds, and browns perfectly!
Wherever you are, we hope you are staying healthy and safe, and finding time to make yourself something beautiful in the changing season.