Handmade toys can have such character and be so much fun to make. This week, so many cute toys caught my eye that I thought we were due for post full of cuteness.

I love the bright colors on Regg's Red and hayleyjbelle's Jarod the Chameleon. While I was never in a science profession, I have a teeny tiny set of lab equipment on my desk that I adore, so I thought mostlyalurker's Mad Scientist Friendly Flask (and friends) was really fun.

All of these projects just made me smile! From left to right: squidgey's Octopus Baby Toy #2, and Elizabeth's Ragdoll Unicorn and extraterrestrial's Callisto the Alien.
I hope these toys brightened your day! You can check out more toy projects and search within the various toy categories in our project search.