Are you hosting a craft-along in your Ravelry group next month? Would you like to to get the word out and invite more crafters? We want to help!
If you moderate a Ravelry group that is hosting a craft-along starting in October, please email me at [submissions are now closed, thank you so much!] by Wednesday, September 20 with:
- a link to your Ravelry group where the craft-along is being hosted
- a brief description of the craft-along (let me know the craft, theme/project/pattern, start and end dates, and any other important details!)
- if you have a specific page or thread in your Ravelry group with more detailed information or instructions, please include a link to that as well
We'll share the list here on our front page blog in the last week of September. We can't wait to see what you all are making together!