Tip: New Navigation Look

March 16th, 2017

If you’re reading this post, you’ve probably noticed that Ravelry looks a little different. We’ve recently refreshed our navigation bar and in today’s post I am going to walk you through it!

We’ve updated both the look and the function of navigation. The left side is dedicated to Ravelry-wide features, and the right is your personalized Ravelry. To start with, let’s explore the left side.

These navigations links function the same as before.

The one thing on the left side of the navigation that has changed is the spotlight search. This is my very favorite feature on Ravelry – from one click you get access to:

  • a search box that searches the entire site
  • links to each advanced search section
  • your saved searches (see how here)
  • your recently viewed patterns

That covers the left side of the navigation, so let’s move to the right side where you can see your Ravelry. This is where you can access your forums, your notebook, your Pro account if you have one, see your unread messages, and access your profile.

If you hover (or tap once on a touch device) over the forums link you’ll get this handy dropdown. Here you can see any unread replies, links to posts of interest to you, and a direct link to your forum tabs. If you have more than 10 forum tabs we only show the first 10 – you can now rearrange your forum tabs on the forum settings page if you want to change which ones show. You can click (or tap a second time) on the word forums to go straight to your last visited forum tab, just like clicking on the link before.

The notebook link is the same as before, just in a new position. You can hover (or tap once) to see a dropdown menu of the different sections of your notebook, or you can click right on the words (or tap a second time) to go straight to your projects.

Finally, your avatar is home to a dropdown with links to your profile, and to log out. As with the other dropdowns, you can click on it to go directly to a link – in this case your profile page.

We have been working really hard on the new navigation and we hope you love it. If you have any questions or issues, please let us know in this thread in For the Love of Ravelry where we’re tracking feedback.