Thursday Tip: Yarn Ideas - now with yardage/meterage!

The Yarn Ideas tab on Ravelry pattern pages is a great place to view the yarns that other Ravelers have used for their projects. Recently, we added some improvements to provide yardage/meterage information and make this tab even more useful.

First, when you’re on the Yarn Ideas tab, you’ll notice at the top right that we now show the yards – or meters, if you have set that as your preference in your Ravelry profile – required for the pattern, as listed on the pattern page.

By default we show all the yarns that Ravelers have used, but if you track your yarns in your Ravelry stash, we’ll tell you how many of those stashed yarns were used for projects, and you can click on the show stashed yarns link to view just those projects.

Here, we now display the yards/meters of the yarns you have in your stash. If you have enough yarn for the listed yarn requirements of the pattern, we’ll show you the yards/meters number in a font color that matches the rest of the text. If you don’t have enough yarn, we still display the yarn and the yardage/meterage you have in your stash, but in a lighter font (as you can see in the screenshot above).

These screenshots were all taken on the Yarn Ideas tab for Hitchhiker – click away if you’d like to check these out for yourself, and see the stashed yarns link with yarns you’ve listed in your Ravelry stash!