Thursday Tip: FO Radar

December 18th, 2014

There are so many different ways on Ravelry to see projects that other crafters have finished and shared with the site. One really fun way to see the most recently completed projects is our FO (Finished Object) Radar. This is a constantly updated stream of projects that appear on the radar as they are marked finished.

watch FO radar link

To get to the FO Radar, click on the People tab at the top of the screen, and then scroll down to the show us your FOs section (which also shows recently-marked-as-finished projects). To the upper right of this section you’ll see a link next to a little TV screen icon that says “watch FOs live.” Click on that link and you’ll go to our FO Radar page!

FO radar page

It may take a few minutes for the projects to start to stream in, but once they do, you’ll see a steady parade of recently-finished crafts from your fellow talented Ravelers. Clicking on any of the photos will take you to that project’s Ravelry page so if you see something you especially love, you can click on over and add it to your faves or leave a friendly comment for the Raveler. Have fun watching the FO Radar!