
Whoa. Stitches West ended last night and boy are we tired. We'll write up a Stitches recap (with Passport winners and all!) once we've rested - there is just SO MUCH to say. For now, I just wanted to let rainydaygoods Mary-Heather announce the new issue of This Week in Ravelry. Take it away, Mary-Heather!....

It's that time again! Ravelry users →  Read TWIR Issue #5 now.

Balancing our fiber pursuits with our professional and family lives is a daily task for most of us. This week's issue focuses on various professional groups on Ravelry, where people are bonding not only over their love of fiber, but also over their common daily jobs. With articles on groups for attorneys, mathematicians, librarians, writers, academics, and more, we invite you to read about the connections that are drawn between work with yarn and our daily work for a living.

We also have a recap of the whirlwind weekend at the Ravelry booth at the STITCHES West 2008 Convention. Jess and Casey's trip to California was worthwhile - STITCHES attendees came out in droves to meet Ravelry's creators and share their love for the site! Regular features Forum Funnies and Dear Auntie Bubbo Pants are also included.

This Week in Ravelry is a group effort! Anyone can join the This Week in Ravelry Group and contribute links, article ideas, and questions for Auntie Bubbo Pants. Please join - and help us all keep up-to-date on what is going on each week in Ravelry!

Our every Ravatar mosaic:

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