Ravelry at STITCHES South!

Ravelry at STITCHES South!
Here in the US, spring is in the air - temperatures are rising, flowers are blooming, and it makes us think of one thing... the season for big fiber events is just beginning! We're so excited to announce that this year we're going to be kicking off the season in a part of the country we haven't visited yet - we're heading to Atlanta, Georgia for STITCHES South! We love getting to go to explore new areas and meet new people, and naturally, we knew we had to host a party! ;) As always, we have to extend big huge thanks to our party sponsors for making this event possible - we’re truly grateful to have such a supportive community that will help us throw an awesome event for all of us!
We’re going to be right in the Waverly Hotel in Ballrooms 3 & 4 on Thursday, April 22, from 8:00 - 10:30 pm (just after the STITCHES South Market Preview). We’ve created a Ravelry Events Page for the party - if you plan on attending, please RSVP! All Ravelers are welcome to this event - you don’t need tickets to the Market Preview. Come on by and have a fabulous time! We’re going to have music, snacks, and drinks (we will have drink tickets; after they are gone we’ll have a cash bar), door prizes and giveaways from our generous sponsors, and a great time hanging out with all of our Ravelry friends. Thank you again to our wonderful sponsors: Qiviut: Knitter's Magazine Cashmere: Discontinued Brand Name Yarn, Eat.Sleep.Knit, Handknitting.com, Kollage, Skacel, Trendsetter Yarns, and WEBS Merino: Bijou Basin Ranch, Della Q, Interlacements Yarn, Lion Brand Yarn, Lisa Souza, Knitting Notions, KnitWitch, Mirth, Miss Babs, Only Ewe and Cotton Too, and Sassafras Creations You guys rock! The party is going to be great, but that's not all we're doing - the folks at XRX have been so welcoming to us, and our STITCHES agenda is really packed! We’re going to have daily meetups on the Marketplace floor, as well! Please come on by and see us in the concessions area at the following times: Friday and Saturday: 1:00 - 2:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00 am We'll also be at the Fashion Show on Friday night, and we'll be special guest judges at the Student Banquet and Fashion Show on Saturday night! We can't wait to see all the fabulous goodies on display. If you'll be attending STITCHES South, please do come by and say hello! It's going to be a great show - we'll see you there! :) Comments...