Holy crappers!

What a day! Thanks so much everyone for the wonderful blog posts about Ravelry. It is certainly getting the word out about the site!! We have over 600 people on the invite request list- a little overwhelming, but in a good way! We really, really appreciate all your help. Just to give you an idea... In one day, we have jumped from 100 to 220 users. yay! We are sending out invitations to the waiting list; we sent out 150 today and will be doing more. If you do hear any questions about people getting into Ravelry, can you guys assure them that we are inviting people on a regular basis from that sign up list on the front page? Appreciate any help you can provide as Casey and I can only type so fast over here. ;) We also assigned all of you guys new invites earlier this afternoon- they appeared on the top, right corner. If you signed in after that, we will be giving out more fairly soon. It may be after this weekend though since Casey and I will both be out of town- me at Maryland Sheep and Wool (woohoo!) and Casey visiting his friend in Baltimore. MOST IMPORTANT! Can you guys give us 5 minutes of your time to fill out this little survey for us? It is 4 questions. Please? huh? huh? Quick update from Casey: As of 5:30pm Eastern, we've received 94 surveys. You guys are awesome!! Oh, and FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE projects were added today. You guys are Raveling when you should be working, aren't you?