Community Eye Candy: Kids

September 6th, 2016

One of my favorite people to knit for is my daughter. Kid-sized garments are so much faster than adult ones, and she is very appreciative of each FO – wanting to help me wash them so she can wear them again. For today’s eye candy I wanted to highlight some recently finished projects for kids. As always, we got permission to use all of the photos below where a child’s face is visible.

This trio of projects I found adorable. aidasofie’s Paint splash sweater, jobungalow’s rapunzel, and SevenOfNine’s Child’s Rainbow Socks exhibit the kind of whimsy and dreaminess that is so fun to see in a project for a little one.

Next up, some projects for little kids. Pitikje’s Spokane, Binkyboo’s Machine Knit Onesie, and Vikusik’s Tiarele are all exquisite garments for their tiny owners.

Finally, some projects for big kids. bloshka’s Beleaf Me, Violinka’s Flawless, and averbaver’s Azel Pullover could all fit into a grown-up wardrobe but look great on a bigger kid, too.

I hope you enjoyed these projects. I found them all via the project search – using terms like kid, child, preschooler, etc.