I don’t have much of a green thumb, so it seems amazing to me that so many people can combine seeds and dirt and water into fruits, vegetables, flowers, trees, and all the wonderful things that grow in our gardens. Today’s eye candy celebrates that skill with recently finished garden-related FOs.

First up, some accessories for your plants. Aleknit’s Hanging Air Plant Display, mandamom62’s Terrarium Hanger, and Pinneguri’s Blomsterhenger.

Next, some more literal plant-inspired FOs. Penniah1792’s Canada Day Shawl, broknmachin14’s Mom’s Cactus Garden, and rin2’s flower motif coasters.

Finally, some pretty food! IfAsIf’s More Fruit Coasters, muumi’s Heirloom Strawberry, and wonderfallz’s Blue Cabbage.

I hope you’re seeing natural beauties at home – either in your own garden or your neighbors!