Tip: Adding Unlinked Purchases to your Ravelry Library

When you purchase a pattern through Ravelry while you are logged in, the pattern pdf will automatically and seamlessly be saved to your Ravelry library. If you purchase a pattern while you are logged out, we know you'll still want to save it in your Ravelry library for safekeeping and easy searching, so we have some simple ways for you to add it after the fact!

With every Ravelry purchase, we send an email receipt to the email address associated with the PayPal account used to purchase the pattern. If you click on the download link in your email, you'll be able to log in and save it to your library.

Purchase Finder

We also have a handy tool to find any past library purchases linked to your PayPal email accounts: the Purchase Finder! You can access the Purchase Finder from your profile menu:

  • click or tap on your Ravatar/profile photo at the top right of your screen
  • select purchases; you can then click or tap on the Purchase Finder section (furthest to the right on your purchases page)
  • enter any email address you may have used to purchase a pattern. We'll check for any purchases made with that email's associated PayPal account, and send a link to the email address you entered.
  • click on the link in the email and we'll show you a page with any patterns purchased with the PayPal account you entered that aren't connected to a Ravelry account. From there, you'll be prompted to sign in to Ravelry (if you are logged out) to add it to your Ravelry library for safekeeping!

The Purchase Finder can also be found at ravelry.com/purchasefinder, whether or not you're logged in. If you think you may be missing a Ravelry pattern purchase in your library, give it a try!