Rhinebeck Meetups

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If you are at NY Sheep and Wool this weekend, you are invited to come visit one of the lunchtime Ravelry meetups. Everyone will be gathering on the hill by the main gate (see map here) from 12:00 noon to 1:00 on both Saturday and Sunday.

Mary-Heather, Sarah, Christina and Jess will be handing out Ravelry name buttons. We'll do a group photo and the rest of the time is all yours. Lots of Ravelry groups get together on the hill on Saturday so you might want to check to see if any of your groups are planning to meet.

The Saturday meetup is usually a big crowd and on Sunday we have a smaller group. Sunday's group photo, 2016:

(I'm home with the children this year - have a great time, everyone! -- casey)

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