Eye Candy: Hats in the Snow

January 24th, 2018

hats in the snow cover

nathansmom2’s Dude Hat & Scarf Set

So far this year, hats have been the most popular project on Ravelry. It makes sense – with most of our users in the Northern hemisphere trying to stay warm through polar vortexes and “bomb cyclones” (or just regular winter weather), a hat makes a quick, practical, and fun project that you can use right away. Here are just a few of the hat projects that Ravelers have completed this month – already doing a great job keeping their owners warm in the snow!

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Above: Jurga’s skiing time again, deetara’s Intervolve Cable Hat, and Kim’s Sock Monkey Lineate.

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Here we have: h-e-l-i’s Kapu, Reill’s Tangled River, and tiekaa’s Pretty Wild.

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Finally, here are hansupo’s Brackett, essiiij’s Jääkarhupipo, and misstinkett’s Warm Knots.

You can check out more recently completed hat projects in our project search – there are loads of great projects to page through!