Heading to Minneapolis!

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ravelryheartsminnesota Sarah and I are really excited to be coming to Minneapolis over the weekend of April 29 - May 1 for StevenBe’s Fantastic Fiber Fest Weekend in conjunction with the Minnesota Knitters' Guild's Yarnover event! We always love seeing StevenBe (of StevenBe and The Yarn Garage) at TNNA, and he is kindly hosting us for a weekend full of fiber events. We've got lots of festivities planned, from shopping, to a Ravelry presentation, to meetups, and even a wine and cheese party! Here are our scheduled events: Saturday, April 300 12:00 - 1:00 pm: Ravelry meetup at Yarnover! (Google maps link to location.) We'll be at the Yarn Garage booth - booth 23 - with lots of Hello buttons to give away. We're so excited to meet Ravelers (our very favorite thing about work travel) and check out all the fabulous vendors in the marketplace! 6:00 pm: wine and cheese party at StevenBe in Minneapolis! (Google maps link to StevenBe.) Lots of great Yarnover teachers will be attending this soiree, as well - please come say hi, we do love a party! Sunday, May 1 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: we'll be at StevenBe, giving a presentation on Ravelry (with plenty of time for questions and answers at the end, too!), and a meetup afterwards 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm. There are so many activities happening at the shop all day - you can check out the schedule and all the classes and book signings available on the StevenBe website. If you need more information about any of the Fantastic Fiber Fest Weekend events or Yarnover, or would like to register for any of the festivities, please check out their respective websites for the details and contact information. We do have a Ravelry Events Page set up for our weekend activities - please click if you are attending! This does not register you for the events in question but it's always fun to look at the list of attendees and spot your Ravelry friends. Minneapolis, we can't wait! We'll see you soon! Comments...

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