We've all been recovering from the crafting marathon that was Ravelympics 2010 so we're a bit late in posting about it! The Ravelympics is a time to set a goal of seeing a crochet, knitting, spinning, or dying project through from beginning to end (or reviving a work in progress) during the Olympics. The training was intense, trying to decide what to make and which event to enter, and the competition itself flew by much faster than most of us anticipated.
In the end, of the 9,538 Ravelers that took on the challenge, 6,296 earned their Medal of GLORY (and many others came really, really close)! Starting a project knowing that over 9,000 other folks were starting alongside you during the opening ceremonies was an incredible experience. The support found in the more than 440 teams kept everyone going even when they experienced setbacks and injuries.- Total projects entered into the Ravelympics - 24,284
- Total projects completed by closing ceremonies - 12,878
- Number of countries participating - 65
- Total yardage used - 8,068,000
- Total yardage spun/dyed - 448,000
- Team ORANGE Knitting (25 members) finished 29 out of 30 projects
- Team Canada finished the most projects, 392, and also used the most yarn, 188,000+ yards!
- Teams Finland (272 projects) and Germany (253 projects) finished the 2nd and 3rd most
- GrammyLove - 33
- CoffeeAndCream - 32
- tinkknitz, airmidm and Anethemadevice - 26
- KnitCave - 15,700 yards
- annryan - 10,700 yards
- rebeltrouser and mrspie - 8,600 yards
- Spiro - 8,300 yards