A new year!

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Wow. We made it to 2008. I can't believe that this little "for fun" project has turned into something so big!
  • 1 year ago Jess and I started tinkering around with ideas and code on nights and weekends.
  • 6 months ago Ravelry became full time work.
  • 3 months ago we pumped up the invites and have since gone from 16,000 users to 59,000 users.
You guys may be tired of all of the statistics that I post but I can't help but share the numbers that we're starting off the new year with: 1.5 million page views per day (that was yesterday, at least), a total of 1.2 million photos (thanks Flickr!), 1 million forum posts, 411,000 projects, 38,700 patterns, and 16,700 yarns. Egads! Thank you all for coming over and sharing your work and your ideas. We also have to send out a HUGE thank you to everybody that donated money to Ravelry this year. There is absolutely no way that we could have done this on our terms without your support and I'm glad that we listened to you and put that donate button up. Jess and I feel very lucky because we have had the freedom to stick to our ideals and build the site that we envisioned. Thank you all so very much. ..and let's not forget the many hundreds of you that have so generously shared your time and your brains with us. The Ravelry Army is an amazing force: sooper editors, volunteer editors, Ravelry and group moderators, email and chat helpers, friendly and helpful forum posters, wiki editors, the BobBoosters and the Ravelry Welcome Wagon, the class clowns in CPaA. We appreciate you all and we never stop being thankful for your hard work, your friendship, and the good vibes that you bring to the site. Jess and I would have exhausted ourselves and fizzled out LONG ago if you guys weren't here to help. oh - we're going to have a very busy start to 2008! Here is the agenda so far:

Upcoming Ravelry Events

  • Jan 1 : The Bobby Award nominations opened up on the 1st! The Bobbys are a Ravelry awards event that was dreamed up by Snarky Designs kateyj. Categories range from "Craziest Stash" to "Most Educational Crocheter" - check out the Bobbys group for nominations and more information.
  • Jan 11th - 13th : We will be wandering around at TNNA in Long Beach, CA and meeting folks.
  • Jan ?? : Ravelry open house event - a fun virtual party for Ravelers and guests! January came so fast but I still really want to do this and I'll be working really hard to make this happen in Jan. Ravelers - see this forum thread for more information
  • Feb 21 - 24 : Jess and I will have a fun Ravelry booth at STITCHES West. We're hoping to have some special guests, lots of goodies, a meetup, more to come. Keep an eye on the Stitches West 2008 group.
On top of all that - there will be plenty of time for coding. Ravelry is far from finished and there are all kinds of good things on the way. Happy new year!

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